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Lieu : peut-etre un jour... paris...

jeudi, août 24, 2006



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《Lady in the Water》── Lady,一個優雅地形容女性的字,Lady in the Water,讓人很有聯想空間。

《禍水》── 直覺讓我想起《鬼水凶靈》,很恐怖片的一個名字。

不下一次,曾經跟朋友談論過,外國電影在香港市場會有很奇怪的名字,例如《Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl》會變成《魔盜王:決戰鬼盜船》,和《Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest》變成《加勒比海盜:決戰魔盜王》。當然,港產片的英文名也常常令人摸不著頭腦。


《Lady in the Water》一片,由改名到宣傳片,香港片商似乎都刻意把它打造成一套恐怖片。若非自己特別留意外國電影,可能也會被瞞騙了。


結果,一如所料,電影的確是自己喜愛電影類別之一的Fantasy,而且是一部非常有水準的Fantasy。沒有誇張震撼的特技,沒有大牌影星,有的是以童話故事人物流落人間,帶出人性和世界美好的一面。只可惜,完場後聽到有觀眾說「車... 都唔係恐怖片o黎o既...」,我跟友人只能相對而笑。



其實,《Lady in the Water》這電影賣點多得很。先是自編自導自演的M. Night Shyamalan,七年前令童星Haley Joel Osment 一炮而紅的《The Sixth Sense》就是他的得意之作,其他為人熟悉的大作還有《Stuart Little》、《Unbreakable》和《The Village》等等。女主角Bryce Dallas Howard 來頭亦不小,其父正是金像大導Ron Howard,亦即《A Beautiful Mind》和《The Da Vinci Code》的導演。千金未為人所熟悉,只因為父母保護得太好,所以未有早早入行。而男主角Paul Giamatti 除了是《Sideways》男主角之外,亦於去年Oscar 憑《Cinderalla Man》獲提名最佳男配角。

另外,如果觀眾小心一點,大概不會被片商誤導得了。海報上微笑著的Bryce Dallas Howard,除了面色蒼白一點之外,哪裡像鬼魂,說她像精靈還比較說得過去。另外,只要細心留意戲名下方那行句字 ── "Time is running out for a happy ending." ── 說明了故事的結局是一個happy ending。而最最最重要的是,大家決定看電影前,不會先看看電影的故事大綱嗎?

Cleveland Heep (Paul Giamatti) has been quietly trying to disappear among the burned-out lightbulbs and broken appliances of the Cove apartment complex. But on the night that irrevocably changes his life, Cleveland finds someone else hiding in the mundane routine of the modest building, a mysterious young woman named Story (Bryce Dallas Howard), who has been living in the passageways beneath the building's swimming pool. Cleveland discovers that Story is actually a "narf", a nymph-like character from an epic bedtime story who is being stalked by vicious creatures determined to prevent her from making the treachcrous journey from our world back to hers. Story's unique powers of perception reveal the fates of Cleveland's fellow tenants, whose destinies are tied directly to her own, and they must work together to decipher a series of codes that will unlock the pathway to her freedom. But the window of opportunity for Story to return home is closing rapidly, and the tenants are putting their own lives at great risk to help her. Cleveland will have to face the demons that have followed him to the Cove, and the other tenants must seize the special powers that Story has brought out in them if they hope to succeed in their daring and dangerous quest to save her world... and ours.

請問... 有哪一個bedtime story 是恐怖嚇人的?應該沒有吧... 不然的話,聽過後會讓小孩子害怕不安,甚至發惡夢,還算是一個bedtime story 嗎?


p.s. 偶然撞見小學同學Chris,剛好提及到這電影。Chris 說認識不少人覺得這電影很差勁,原因是他們都抱著看恐怖片的心態進電影院。好一部水準之作... 被糟蹋了...

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